How do I play?

The rules are both on our website: www.freedomringsboardgame.com and in the box.

Which ring do I start on?

The game starts with each player choosing which rural ring property to place their playing piece.

Can I possibly win when I have so much debt?

Yes, you can. You can get lucky with other players paying you rent, or a favorable power play can suddenly put you back in the thick of it. Many times a player has complained that they can't win, and then they do.

I want to know more about CONSOLIDATION..

Consolidation is taking two of the same property types from a ring and converting them to one property claim of the same type on the next ring in. The playing piece assigned to that ring is moved to the property claimed. Savvy use of the 5 economic property types on the board allows one to build wealth without depending upon the play of opponents (collecting rent from them or trading with them.) Consolidation can also be used to skip crossing the interest road when consolidating to the suburban or urban rings.

Am I always allowed to claim only one property?

Yes, except for trading with other players. A player is allowed to claim one new property per turn, even if the claim was from a move to consolidate. And even if the die made them pay rent. Trading with other players has no such restriction.

I tried it, but I don't get it.

Freedom Rings is a deceptively complex game of strategy. It is hard for first time players to appreciate this, but often, after 30 or 40 minutes of play, a 'light bulb' will go off, and the depths of the game will grab them.

What are the park properties for?

Parks are there to give respite from worrying about debt and money. Park properties are counted with moves from a die roll.

When can I sell the properties I own back to the bank?

You can sell properties you have claimed to the bank at any time during your turn. The only restrictions are on acquiring property, which generally occurs after your die roll. The exception is consolidation, for which the die is rolled after the new property is claimed.

If I have a virtual monopoly can I sell one of the spaces for 16?

No. In selling one property out of a monopoly, you have separated it from the monopoly. it therefore loses a monopoly valuation. The market will only pay its regular value (the current production value for lone virtual properties.) This is true for virtual monopolies of 3, 4, or more.

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